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My Story:


Experiencing physical and emotional abuse during my childhood and teenage years...being bullied in school...feeling miserable, lonely and lost as a teen, suicidal at times...moving to America at age 17 without speaking a word of English...developing an eating disorder spiraling from anorexia to binge-eating...recovering...having my heart broken...falling in love...leaving the US and moving back to Europe...ending up living a still ongoing nomadic life outside the box changing my location every three months...amazing friendships yet constant good-bye-s...due to chronic hip pains being forced to live without my beloved sport, running...years of non-stop chronic headaches making my days a misery...feeling desperate, lost, hurt, lonely, misunderstood and hopeless...yet somehow finding hope...feeling desperate...but not giving up...eventually healing...finding happiness, health, freedom, gratitude and meaning...daring to be happy and healthy...supporting others in doing the same...


I could tell you all about this in more detail. It would be a novel. It would still not tell it all.


I always knew I had so much in me. I had so much to offer. I have so much to offer.


I had big dreams. I have big dreams. 


I was never afraid to follow my heart, my intuition and my dreams. I am still not afraid. Much rather I am proud and happy to lead a rather unusual life-style never giving up on my dreams despite of any challenges.


I never give up.


Living a nomadic life-style, not having a home-base and staying in so many countries has taught me so much. I learned that there is so much beauty in the world, a lifetimes is too short to discover it yet I have to try. I learned to connect with people from different background, cultures, ages. I learned to ask the right questions. I learned to listen and to really hear the story of others. I learned to understand. I learned to feel. I learned to adapt. I learned to find beauty and magic everywhere. I learned to smile. I learned to be open-minded. I learned to let go. Not having a home-base, I also learned to find 'home' inside of my heart. I learned to feel home anywhere. I learned to listen to my heart and my intution. I learned to trust the process. I learned to love.


It was not always easy. It is not always easy.


Some say you need to travel to find yourself. Some say you need to hit rock bottom to find yourself. Some say finding yourself is a life-long journey.


This is all true for my life.


I believe that finding myself is a forever journey. It is continuous yet joyful work.


Traveling taught me a lot about myself. Being self-reliant, listening to myself and trusting myself are some of the perks I received from traveling.


As for rock bottom, I am pretty sure I hit that several times. It is a rocky road.


A personal health crisis lead me on the road of holistic health and happiness. I had no choice but to choose this road to find my own health and happiness. Healing is a life-long journey and there is no turning back for me.


My first health crisis began in 2008 when I developed hip pains. As a runner it was devastating: losing running was not an option, yet I couldn't run. I couldn't even sit pain-free. The saga of my health problems continues in 2009 when my frequent headaches took a bad turn, got more and more frequent and lasted longer and longer. By 2011 I had headaches nearly every day, 24/7, day and night. The doctors didn't help with neither issues. They said I should give up my dream of running. They said there was nothing wrong with me, I need to live with the headaches and offered me all sorts of pills to make them more tolerable.


I decided not to take the pills. I decided to claim my health back. I started searching with having full faith that I would heal.


After years of struggle, going from doctor to doctor, PT to PT, chiro to chiro, trainer to trainer, doing every exercise on the planet, resting and trying, but being in pain, I finally found my solution. A chiropractor suggested to change shoes and go more natural. Within weeks I was better and soon I was running pain-free. After three years of struggle, I was back in the running game. Today I run pain-free. I got running back. I got my hope back. I know now: healing is possible. You just have to be persistent and trust the process: the answer is out there, you will find it.


With new found hope I immersed myself in holistic nutrition, holistic health, alternative medicine, and later in self-development and spirituality to heal my headaches. I gradually changed my diet to plant-based and whole foods. I practice forgiveness and gratitude. I work on my mind and soul every single day: I journal, I self-love, I attend workshops and retreat. I connect with like-minded people. I search, I learn, and I try everything on myself to find out what works for me. I take care of my body, mind and soul as a holistic, unique being. 


I healed from my chronic headaches...but my journey did not end there. Holistic health and happiness is a life-long journey: a beautiful ride full of growth and discoveries. 


I know how you feel. I know from first hand how is it to experience chronic pain. I know how it is to live in chronic sadness and chronic blah. I know how is it to struggle of the effects of past traumas and dramas. I know how is it to feel lost. I know how it is when you desperately want to be better. I know how it is to know that there is more out there, that there is happiness and health. I know how it is to have skills and knowledge yet still missing the 'how'. I know how important a listening ear, a supportive person and unconditional love can do. I know all this, therefore I know how to be there for you and guide your journey. 


I decided to claim back my life. I decided to love myself fully. I decided to search and to discover what work for me. I decided to take on this healing journey. I decided to live a full and joyful life. I decided to be grateful. I decided to love unconditionally. I decided to smile. I decided to love my life.


I decided to dare to be happy and healthy.


I decided to share my passion and knowledge. I decided to be a guide, a listening ear, a loving smile, a supportive word, a powerful question, a cheerful motivation and an inspiring coach to be there for the journey of other women who want to be and dare to be happy and healthy. 



health coaching, life coaching, holistic living, personal development, becoming happy, self-esteem, healing, goal setting

This is me. This is my journey.


Now it's YOUR turn!!!


Let's hear about YOUR story, YOUR journey, YOUR struggles and YOUR dreams!


Contact me...just say hello, share your story...or better yet, set up a complimentary discoverReady to sign-up? Send me a message here!y session to see how I can support your journey the best.

health coaching, life coaching, holistic living, personal development, becoming happy, self-esteem, healing, goal setting
health coaching, life coaching, holistic living, personal development, becoming happy, self-esteem, healing, goal setting
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